PADI Tec Sidemount Diver


PADI Tec Sidemount Diver

Duration: 4 Days   Cost: 15,000 THB

The PADI Tec Sidemount course is aimed at the technical diver wishing to make the transition from traditional backmount to sidemount diving. With great new Sidemount systems on the market such as the HOLLIS SMS 50, SMS 100 and the Razor Harness, its never been an easier time to start diving Sidemount. Great for diving in overhead such as wreck and caves, and diving at remote location where twinsets maybe unavailable or difficult to transport, the PADI TecRec Tec Sidemount diver teaches the skills to make decompression dives utilizing sidemount and decompression tanks, with up to 6 sidemounted tanks!

Your PADI TecRec Tec Sidemount Instructor will cover the following topics and skills such as

  • Equipment configuration and preparation
  • Body posture and trim
  • Propulsion techniques
  • Gas management 
  • Proper sidemount deco procedures and emergencies
  • Deco bottle setup and handling
  • Gas switches and decompression skill
  • Utilizing up to 6 sidemounted tanks

The PADI TecRec Tec Sidemount course will outline the procedures and discipline for conducting technical sidemount dives and a great addition to your technical diving qualifications.



  • Open Water Diver (or hold a qualifying certification from another organization)
  • Have a minimum of 20 logged dives,