Book Now - Course Pricelist- NAUI/ProTec

Below is a GENERAL PRICE LIST, but please be aware that the prices can vary slightly around Thailand, due to some places having National Park fees, and the boats having to travel much further, as the dive sites are much further away, so the boat fees can be much higher. So is a general price list, but on contacting us to book a course and letting us know, whereabouts you would like to conduct the courses, we can send you a more accurate price for the courses you wish to conduct! But these are all the accurate prices for diving courses in Koh Tao.

And we try and match all our competitors prices! Some dive centers may skim and undercut on other dive centers prices, using newbie inexperienced instructors with very little experience, and cutting corners and in big groups of strangers with very little concentration on each student's safety and enjoyment and so paying their newbie instructors absolutely basic wages and putting you in big groups with a bunch of complete unknown strangers! Unlike us, using a one on one or one on family or group experience with our Technical Instructor Trainer and course director (the most qualified and experienced instructor in the industry) greatly improving your safety and experience with 1000's of students and instructor clients under our belts and only with nothing but 5* reviews! 

“But we will match any other dive centers, just so we can ensure your safety with experienced technical instructor trainers! And no skipping on safety procedures or cutting any corners!”

As your safety and enjoyment is our number one priority! So if other centres are cutting corners and not concentrating on your safety and enjoyment and only care about making money and so undercutting all there competitors and cutting corners and cutting divers safety and enjoyment, we will match their prices with proof, only to keep our students safe and happy 😊!


whatsapp diving courses


10% Discount for couples and group bookings, as you're used to communicating with each other and reacting  with one another!


To book a course just use the "Contact Form" to email us or just press on the "Live Chat" button (via Whatsapp) and to book a course with us in sunny warm Thailand, please contact us and the specific course you're interested in and the dates of your arrival. As our courses get booked up quickly to secure your place on a course on a certain date, just contact us and send a 10% deposit on the course at a specific date and pay the rest on arrival. The deposit can be sent to our International Bank - "WISE" in any currency. After a 10% deposit is received your course and instructor will be booked for a specific date. And will be scheduled up on our board.

Please note once the course is booked and scheduled in having received the 10% deposit, it is a non-refundable deposit in case of cancellation, as we may have to turn down other customers on those dates you booked the course for.

The Tech Diving Thailands Recreational and Technical Diving Department provides an extensive range of recreational diving courses from open water courses, to discover open water courses, Advanced Open Water through to dive master and Open Water diving instructor. The Tech Department has an extensive range of specialist technical diving courses from nitrox through to advanced trimix and encompassing all agencies to suit every style. Our instructors can teach with our preferred agencies: NAUI, ProTec or other booking can be made with other RAID, SSI, SDI, GUE, BSAC, TDI, PADI and PADI TecRec Instructors around Koh Tao or Thailand.  Tech Diving Thailand Technical Diving Department also offers a range of cave schedules but if you have specific dates and times we can start a new class to fit your schedule. At  Tech Diving Thailand, we base our technical diver training around expedition diving. The Technical Diving Department regularly run technical wreck diving and cave diving expeditions in Thailand and South East Asia.

David Polley leads the technical training courses, running ProTec & NAUI Tech trimix and cave courses; placing great emphasis on training through building real dive experience and technical diving courses typically finish with dives on one of the deep Gulf of Thailand Wreck Trips or at Khao Sok National Park.


We also offer technical instructor training and technical speciality packages. We have great rates on accommodation in our on-site hotel, beach bungalows and Hilltop villas, all have a pool to relax in after a hard day of tech diving. For those on a budget, we also have accommodation in the backpacker's hostel at  Tech Diving Thailand.


Helium use. We charge 2.8thb per litre on TRIMIX courses.

On Rebreather (CCR) we include 8 kg of scrubber for scrubber in our prices. The rest of the scrubber is charged at 500thb per kilo.





 NAUI-National Association of Underwater Instructors


On booking the course with a 10% deposit to confirm you are attending the course, you will need to set up  login into Sign In | NAUI CORE . On booking the course with a 10% deposit to confirm you are attending the course, we will pay for your NAUI e-learning including student materials, slideshows and for the certificate issue fee. And you will be emailed a NAUI log in link and activation code to start your eLearning.


NAUI Open Water course 36.96 usd



Digital NES or Digital NES Plus, is the quickest way, as no waiting for books to arrive in the post and no lugging them around with you. And we can actually monitor, how much of the book and slides you have read and you can even do the final exam online (And we can see your results)! Then on arrival, all we do it practical work and go diving and complete your skills and education!


 And problems enrolling on a Digital NES e-learning course, we can send you a link to pay via an international Payment system with WISE, and then send you the activation code to start your online leaning!


And just enter our chief NAUI Instructors number: David Polley #62067. And you will be emailed a NAUI login link to start your eLearning. Digital NES is the cheapest, to do all your e-learning before you even arrive, including all the slideshows, videos and Final Exam. And we can monitor your progression and see the Percentage of how far you have got through the course, and even see your exam results and any wrong questions you have, so that you get at least 80% to pass.

Book Now NAUI Diving Thailand







 NAUI- National Association of Underwater Instructors




Cavern = 35,000thb

Intro to Cave= 35,000thb

Full Cave diving = 60,000thb

Full Cave Diving Package: Cavern, Intro to Cave & Full Cave diving courses = 100,000 thb

ProTec Recreational Course Price List











ProTec Cave Diving Course PRICE LIST







BSAC Diving Courses


BSAC Course Pricelist


BSAC Course Pricelist


BSAC SDC Courses